Firstly we would like to give a huge Thank You to everyone who helped over the Gymtastic weekend. We truly couldn’t have done this without you. After expenses we have raised £6000. This will go towards much needed maintenance for the facility.
The Titans & Eclipse Display Teams finished up their season with final performances of their routines at Gymfest at the start of May. The teams are very excited to get started on their new routines for next season – if you want to try out for the teams please see NEW DISPLAY YEAR below.
Lunar Gymnastics Club definitely have this competition organisation down to a fine art! Yet again another successful weekend with teams from all over visiting the club to take part in these competitions. Lunar gymnasts had a very successful weekend with 28 medals in Tumbling, 7 bronze, 10 silver & 11 gold. In acro, 9 partnerships won medals, 1 bronze, 5 silver & 3 gold! Thank you to all our Lunar Crew volunteers all your help over the weekend & to the gymnasts for being A-MAZ-ING once again!!
Please familiarise yourself and regularly check our website All information, including dates for your diary will be posted here. We will be closing all our Facebook pages except our main and Lucky Lunar page by the end of May. Any questions regarding our website, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the board.
Reminder that all competing gymnasts must have a full lunar kit (tracksuit and 2 t-shirts) kit takes 12 weeks to receive after ordering and we must have a minimum of 10 before we can order. Please get an order form at the gym or email Susan – Please note we must have full payment before we can place your order. Thank you.
Parents, just a wee note about signing your kids in and out of gym. This MUST be done if your child is under 13 years old. Over 13’s can sign themselves in and out. When you sign your child into the gym you are giving duty of care of your child to the coaches. At the end of a session you are taking back the duty care. It is in you owns child’s safety that you do this. If your child is absent from class, if you are going to be late or if pick up arrangements change, you MUST inform a coach. Children under 13 cannot be picked up in the car park. Your child’s safety is paramount to club.
There has been a lot of talk lately about the dangers online. I will be sending out a separate email within the next 2 weeks outlining this in more detail of how, as parents we can help our kids be safe online. The internet is a wonderful thing if used properly. Please remember to always check the age on apps as most of them are 13 plus, they do that for a reason and be extra vigilant on checking their phone. Together, let’s keep our children safe online.
If you have any queries on this, please do not hesitate to contact me further. Thank you.
Our new display year starts 1st June. If you would like to try out for any of display teams please come along on the following:
Juniors (age 12 and under) – Saturday 1st June 10:30-1pm
Junior must be under 12 & attend at least 1 class a week, this gymnast will also be advised to attend either a tumble or acro class if selected to join junior team. Sunday 9th June is compulsory choreography for this new routine, all Eclipse Team must attend.
Seniors (over 13’s or invited by a coach) - Saturday 1st June 12:30-3:30.
Seniors must be over 13 and in a competitive class. Ages 16 plus no longer have to be competing, however do need to attend either an acro or tumble class on top of their display time. If under 13 you will be invited to trial. Any current senior members need not trial again but coach may have a chat with some members on their progress.
You will be given a list of compulsory events and approx. costs of what will be involved if you child is successful.
If these dates/times do not suit for the trial, please speak to a coach and they can make alternative arrangements.
Please can parents all re-fresh themselves with all our club policies in your booklet. Paying particular attention to the following:
Children must wear suitable attire for training – leotards and shorts. Gymnasts must also remove all body jewellery, long hair tied back securely (buns).
Parents are expected to pay all training fees within the 1st week of the month. If fees are not paid your child will not to be able to train or attend events. If you are experiencing financial difficulties please email
If your child leaves the club we require one month’s paid notice. You have agreed to this when you signed up to class 4 kids.
All gymnasts are required to have our club membership. Competitive & Display Gymnasts this is paid annually. Payment is due to be paid in June for 2019-20. If you have not paid for June 2018-19 this will also be required to be paid. General Gymnasts payment must be paid no later than 4 weeks from joining the club, this then renews annually from the date you joined the club. Pre School Gymnasts are exempt from the club Membership
All gymnasts are required to have British Gymnastics Insurance this will be due every October. If you join part the way through the year you still have to pay British Gymnastics Insurance. Parents are responsible for registering and paying this. The club doesn’t deal with this. Please note you child cannot train if they are not registered with British Gymnastics. The link is
Please ensure that your child is attending sessions on the lead up to any event.
NDP Team Championships & Club League Tumble Champs 25th May
Madison & Keira are reserves for Team Scotland and are training with the team 26th May
SHOWCASE WEEK - week beginning 10th June – Further info below, email will also be sent out this week
FREAKY FRIDAY - Sponsored event 14th June – please see below for further info
Lunar Gymnastics Club will perform at the Lesmahagow Highland Games – 15th June
CLUB ANNUAL AWARDS NIGHT – FULL CLUB 22nd June– from pre school through to senior competition gymnasts. Bring Family & friends to join in with our daft family games night throughout the awards night – Tickets on sale now!
In April & May lots of Mondays & weekends were missed due to bank holidays & competitions.
Catch up class for bank holidays
Monday kids can attend 4-7yrs Tuesday 4-5pm or Friday 4-5pm kids over 8yrs can attend Tuesday 5-6.30pm or Friday 4-5pm
Artistic can attend Tuesday 5-6.30pm or have a chat with the coach to see other options.
Wednesday 4-5.30pm beginner tumble class, other tumble or display groups please have a chat with your coach.
You must email the club in advance on to let us know which class you wish to attend in place of your missed one.
Competitive or display gymnasts missing sessions at the weekend – if you are in the competition or display that the class is being missed you don’t get a catch up class. If you aren’t in the competition or display you are welcome to attend a class during the week – Saturday beginner tumble can attend Wednesdays 4-5.30pm.
No classes will run on the 25th May due to coaches being at a competition.
Make up class for competitive tumblers & display will be held on Sunday 26th of may to make up for those missing tumble or display on the 25th May 10am-1pm – please confirm your attendance – – Beginner Tumblers your slot will be 10-11.30am on the 26th.
Do u have your freaky Friday sponsor sheets for Friday 14th June. If not please see your coach.
The club is having a sponsored event with a twist, and maybe a few cartwheels flung in as well. We all know how hard the kids in the club train, and how much effort and passion they put into each performance. Now it’s our turn to show them what we are made of! Our event, will see club kids and family members having a bit of a role reversal. Yes, that’s right! Role reversal means you’re doing your kids class. If you are willing to have a bit of fun, not take yourself seriously and learn something new, whilst supporting the club. Let Morven or Lauren know, and they will take a note of your name and give you a sponsor sheet. Both you and your child can use this sheet to obtain sponsors.
The event itself will take place on the 14th of June, 18:30-19:30. It will include some of the activities within the adult classes, some equipment and also may include a few balances lol! Completion will see you getting a certificate for your efforts.
We’ve registered with easyfundraising and we need your help!
easyfundraising is a great website where you can help Lunar Gymnastics Club raise funds simply by doing your everyday online shopping with over 3,600 big name retailers like Amazon, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS,, eBay, Boden, and M&S.
Every time you shop, we receive a small donation to say ‘thank you’ and it’s completely free too! We want to raise as much as possible so please sign up and help us at
Lucky Lunar
This is our fundraising page, please make sure you join this, add friends & family to it, we have some fantastic prizes,
Week beginning 10th June
Come along and watch your child train at gym. There will be tea, coffee & home baking. This a chance to speak to the coaches & you can also come and watch other classes to see what your child could potentially move into. All gymnasts should attend as normal, Competitive & Display gymnasts will have a slight change to their timetable during this week to accommodate all the clubs disciplines, please see below. Please support your children and come along, feel free to bring your family & friends.
General 4-7yrs – 4-5pm
Over 8yrs - 6.30-8pm
Artistic – 5-7pm
Junior Acro 4-6pm
Senior Acro 5.30-8.30pm
General 4-7yrs – 4-5pm
Over 8yrs – 5-6.30pm
Trampoline – 6.30-7.30pm & 7.30—8.30pm
All beginner Tumble (sat kids should attend today for showcase) 4-5.30pm
All new moon 5-7pm – Friday kids should attend this day for showcase
Equinox, Pandora & full moon all should attend 5-8pm this week for showcase.
Pre-school 4:15-5pm
Both Display Teams 5pm-8pm
Open taster – All age groups, non-members etc – 5-6pm
Freaky Friday Sponsor event – Adults doing their kids class – 6.30-7.30pm
Lunar Gymnasts will be performing at the Lesmahagow Highland games! Competition and display gymnasts if you are available please let us know via email ASAP so we can put something together for it!!
Please note updated dates/times above which differ from email sent 16th May. A reminder email will be sent out closer to Showcase week.
Saturday 22nd of June
Open to full club all the gymnasts will be considered for an award, from the tiny tots all the way up to elite squads! Tickets for this will go on sale very soon. Tickets will be first some first served. We will have fun awards & serious awards given out throughout the night with some fun games thrown in between. Bring along family & friends, your chance to speak to everyone that’s involved with the day to day running of our fabulous club.
We are always looking for fresh ideas for our fundraising, if you would like to help out or pop along to our next meeting please get in touch –